Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I Believe

I know some of you have read my mom's blog and some of the posts I did on there, but I figured I'd put my beliefs on here. I know that's one of the first things I look for when I find a new blog =D!! So here we go.

I. I believe that the King James Version of the Bible is the only true word of God, that He used the prophets to write it, but God is the Divine author (II Tim. 3:16). I believe that anybody who changes the Bible is in need of someone showing them God's plan of Salvation, and they should be at the altar next church service (Rev. 22:19). For more information on the KJV, you can visit Teens-4-Christ, and read this article, it explains exactly what I believe.

II. I believe in Salvation through grace (Eph. 2:8-9), nothing WE can do can save us. I also believe that you can't lose your salvation, once you're saved, you're saved for ever (I John 5:13, Phil. 1:6, John 10: 27-29).

III. I believe in the Godhead (trinity), in Matthew chapter 3, God presents himself in the three persons: 1) Jesus; being baptized by John the Baptist, 2) The Holy Spirit; presented as a dove, 3) God; John hears a voice from Heaven; "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
There is only one God, though (John 10:30).

What I Believe in Dress:
I believe that in I Timothy 2:9-10, God gives us His Divine plan for our appearance:
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."
The Greek word for "modest apparel" is Katastole, and the literal definition of the word is "a long flowing garment that is let down." Now, has anybody out there seen a flowing pair of pants? How about a long miniskirt?
Another thing about one's choice of clothing, is that God made the women's body for her husband ONLY. When we wear jeans or anything tight and form-fitting we're showing others our "shape." We are causing men to sin. I don't know where I saw this illustration, but it's really good: Imagine if you were walking through town in your skinny jeans, and you walk by a godly man from your church, who is standing near to another group of guys. Now first of all, that godly man (we'll say, Steve) just saw your figure, and that's not for his eyes, and it's not for you to give away. Second of all, this other group of guys also see you in you skinny jeans, and started "talking" about your figure. You just totally ruined Steve's reputation, he heard and saw things he never should have, he has that memory in his mind now, and guess what!! It's YOUR fault, no one else's.

What I believe about courtship:
First of all: (big thing for me =D) The question about Christian dating, there actually is no question, it's just wrong!!! Some people say, "oh, it's okay to hold hands, and such" BUT, God says "NO WAY!!!" "It is good for a man not to touch a woman" I Cor. 7:1
I also believe that God has someone very special chosen for me, and for everybody else in this world. He shows us an example of his wonderful plan for every couple in Gen. 22, in this portion of scripture we read about when God tells Abraham to take Isaac up to the mountain, and sacrifice him. Abraham obeys God, and as you may know God provides a replacement for Isaac. But if you read near the end of the chapter, you'll see that Abraham hears how his brother is doing, you'll also read of his nephew's daughter, a very special young lady named Rebekah, (does that name sound familiar) Isaac then grows up and ends up marrying Yours Truly =D!!!
I also believe that when you believe you have found God's special someone for you, and you're courting, that there should be somebody there w/ you and your "boyfriend/girlfriend." 1) The Bible says in Prov. 11:14 "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in multitude of counsellors there is safety." 2) If a couple is alone before married, Satan can seriously use that time to tempt you, there is nobody there to watch you!!! (James 1:14-15)
One more thing, and this also applies to dress, and many other areas of your life, Prov. 31:12 says: "She will do him (her husband) good and not evil ALL THE DAYS of her life." Do you know what that means?!?!?! Think about it: ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE, this is talking past present and future!! Can you say you've done your husband (past, present, or future husband) good and not evil all your days?? When you get married will people know that your husband married someone whose kissed every boy that ever passed her way? Or will they say "Look, it's Steve's wife, she's a godly young lady, whose never kissed or touched another boy, she didn't even kiss Steve until the wedding!!!!!" WOW, what a testimony we can have for our husbands (past, present, and future =D)

So there you are, I hope that this is an encouragement for you!!! For more information on dress you can read Mrs. Cathy Corle's "What in The World Should I Wear," or these posts on my mom's blog:
I'll Take a Shot At It
Modesty pt. 2
Modesty pt. 3
Modesty pt. 4

And this is a more explained post about Abraham, Isaac, and Rebekah.


  1. Sarah,
    Wow! I am pretty sure that you are the first person I've found on here that actually posted everything that you believe! Most people just say that they're a Baptist or an Independent Baptist and some just say they're a Christian! So thank you very much for posting this and being bold enough to do so :)
    I also am an Independent Baptist and I belive much of what you've said. It encourages me to see other Christians that belive that courting is the right way to do things. We have been going over this subject in my Sunday School class lately and it's just something that isn't talked much about these days and it's very encouraging to find some other Christian girls who believe the way I do :)
    In Christ,

  2. Thanks for your comment, Erica!!!
    The reason I posted what I believe is because I've been blogging for a while on my mom's blog, so I've gotten to know a lot of bloggers. But I know I've gone to alot of blogs and wasn't sure whether or not to follow them because they didn't really explain what kind of girls they are. Ya know what I mean?
    But I had fun doing it. It kind of strengthened my resolve to stick to those standards and beliefs. I hope they encouraged you also!!


  3. Sarah,

    I appreciate your courage to state the convictions you hold and give your reasons for holding them. Though many folks believe the same, according to God's Word, they choose not to make it plain. Others may conform to the standards of the Bible but do not personally claim them in their hearts. I was encouraged to find that you have made God's standards your own and are willing to be wholly associated with the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The LORD bless you,

    Miss Naomi

  4. Sarah,
    Just now reading this post! :) I totally agree with everything you said... :) Amen! :) Thank you for being bold enough to make it plain. :)

  5. Sarah, I enjoyed rereading these posts, it has been a while, I was also impressed with the encouraging comments you received. You just keep on WAITING FOR YOUR ISAAC!

  6. Hello Sarah! My name is Madison over at I have found your blog through many different blogs. One blog leading to another and so on...=) I love finding other blogs about Chirstian young ladies in which I can relate.=) I so enjoyed this blog post that (if you don't mind) I reposted over on my blog. So many of your standards are the same as mine and you have a much better way of writing it than I would! Thank you! I hope this doesn't weird you out or anything....LOL! You can go and tell everyone "some random person just posted on my blog!" I just hope I am not disturbing you! =)

  7. Hello Sarah! I am So glad that I have found you and your blog. I think God did it. I agree with everything you say and I am also practicing it. Of course as you know the only thing I believe different then you is the head covering,also about the KJV being the only version. I love your blog and finding another nice Christian girl that believes practically the same as you! Keep up the good work!
    A Sister In Christ,
    Hope K.

    1. Hope,
      Thanks so much for coming to my blog!! I just want to kind of forewarn you though... You're comments on my blog and on Pinterest have got my wheels turning :) I do want to do a post on why I believe that a head covering is not biblical, and a more in depth post on the KJV... I do want you to know that I'm not doing this to offend you in any way!!! I really, really hope you don't take offense.
      Again, I'm glad you're reading my blog... I pray that God will use me to be an encouragement to you and the others that read my blog!

  8. I hope that you don't mind that I am commenting on an old post but I just wanted to let you know that I thought this post was really good. I always look for what someone believes when I find their blog and I love finding blogs where people believe what we do.:) Thanks for posting this.

    1. Hi Salinn,
      No, I don't mind you commenting on this post at all!! I'm glad you were able to find this post and that you enjoyed reading it! I do the same thing... it's always nice when someone has what they believe posted in one spot so you can find it!
      Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy it and that it's an encouragement to you!


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