Friday, March 12, 2010

Two of my Favorite Songs

These are two songs that I recently heard/learned. They really are some awesome songs, the words are really great!!

God's Been Good

"Lately I've been looking back,
along this winding road.
To the old familiar landmarks,
of the mercies I have known.
I known it may sound simple;
but it's more than a cliche.
No other way to tell you,
but to say.

God's been good,
in my life!
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams,
when I go to sleep each night.
And though I've had my share of hard times,
by my side He always stood.
Cause through it all,
God's been good.

Times replay and I can see,

I've cried some bitter tears.

But I felt his arms around me,

when I faced my greatest fears.

I've had more gains than losses,

and I've known more joy than hurt.

As his grace rolled down upon me,


God's been good,

in my life!

I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams,

when I go to sleep each night.

And though I've had my share of hard times,

by my side He always stood.

Cause through it all,

God's been good.

God has been Father,

my Savior and friend.

His love was my beginning,

his love will be my end.

I could spend forever trying

to tell you everything He's is.

But the best way I can say it is this:

God's been good,

in my life!

I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams,

when I go to sleep each night.

And though I've had my share of hard times,

by my side He always stood.

Cause through it all,

God's been good."

He Loved Me

"He chose me before the world was known.

He chose me to be his very own.

He made me, then let me choose my way.

I chose to move away.

He loved me when hope had taken wing.

He loved me when I'd lost everything.

He bought me; redemption work was done

through Jesus Christ, His Son.

Who shall separate me from the love of God?

Shall dreams of tomorrow, pain or sorrow?

Can the need of food or earthly possessions,

the threat of war or man's oppression?

In all these things vict'ry is our reward;

Vict'ry is our reward through Jesus Christ, our

Of this I am sure that neither death nor life,

nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,

nor things present, nor things to come,

Nor height, nor death, nor any creature

shall separate me from the love of God.

Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord"

I had trouble, like every time I pressed enter (or select for you Mac users, I think) it would double or triple space!! Aughhhh


  1. I absolutely LOVE "God's Been Good!" I sing that in a group with some friends at church. It's a tear jerker if you're really sincere about it! :)

  2. def!! I heard it for the first time at our youth camp last summer. I had it stuck in my head, and drove my brothers crazy singing the first line!! I finally was able to get it on a CD though ;-D

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