Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 in review!!!!

OK!! Here are some pictures and comments on my life in 2010 :)!!!

I finished remodeling my bedroom, and we went skiing at Caberfae in Cadillac. Both were lots of fun!!!


In February I started this blog! :) We also went skiing at Snow Snake with the youth group (plus :D) and we had a slumber party at Colleen's, and I was able to drink pepsi again!!!!!!! lol!!


We went to a basketball game with our friends, and Colleen and I went to our first 5 for $5 sale at salvation army :) :)


April was pretty hectic! Dakota's Birthday, we started working at ATC, Kiley S. was born, and I visited Fairhaven for the first time


First, Dakota got whalloped in the face with a baseball, and then at the end of the month my very bestest friends moved to Alabama :`(


I got my license :)!!!! My cousins came to visit from UT, we had a commemoration sunday at church. I also got my schweet bathing suit


The fourth, of course, we had everyone over to see the fireworks. Mom's birthday and family from CA came to visit!


CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!! and my giveaway started!


We spent most of the monthe house riden because we had impetigo. And I started my senior year of highschool. *woohoo*!!!!

(pretty, huh?)


We had our FHF at church, the HTYC in East Jordan, and Hunter's Birthday


This month was AWESOMENESS!!!!! first of all EY 2010 at Fairhaven, then my 17th b-day and then Thanksgiving!

December I had my ACT test, the Christmas Program, the cool news about Josh and Colleen, and Christmas :):)

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