Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God's Perfect Timing

I've been wanting to do a post recently about something that I've been really struggling, but growing, in.

A while ago, there was something that I was SOOO excited
about! I had talked to my mom, and we both were praying about it. I'd think
about it a lot, but everytime I would, God would remind me of something that
was, not necessarily wrong, but wasn't right about this thing. I'd just shove
those thoughts out of my mind, and think that those things would all work
No more than a couple of weeks after I had started praying, I
found out that this wasn't a possibility in my life. At least at this point. I
was really disappointed, but through talking to my mom, and praying more about
it, even more "not right" things. I also realized that this event had been
distracting me in my walk with God, and finding and following His will. At first
I had a lot of trouble accepting this but God brought me two perfect

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when
the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12

"But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I
may declare all thy works
Psalms 73:28

Those verses have helped me to just
grow closer to God during those past months, and I've realized that even though
God said "not right now." Some day my desires, if I continue to draw close to
God and follow His will, will be granted!

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