Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cubs Game

So, one of the girls from school reminded me that I haven't posted the pictures from the Cubs game that we went to.  This was an activity that was for the privileged few that raised over $350 for Volleyball Marathon at the beginning of the semester.  We started out the activity at a Mongolian Grill for lunch. The restaurant was part of a large outlet mall, so Christina A, Elizabeth G, and I wandered around after we had finished eating, and ended up at a little store called Charming Charlie's.  This was a cute little boutique with lots of fun things to try on, and great photo ops!! Then we headed to the ball park and had a fun, but cold time watching a game.  The game itself was kind of boring, the score only being 1-2 at the end, but it was fun fellowship anyway.  Then on the way back we stopped at this old-fashioned ice cream shop in Chicago, and had even more great fellowship.  Joel, one of our computer guys, got a hold of my camera at the ice cream shop, so if some of the pictures are weird, they're his!

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