Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Monotony: [muh-not-n-ee] noun 1. wearisome uniformity or lack of variety, as in occupation or scenery.

That's probably a word that pops into your head as you read my blog! LOL!  But, today at work, it was the word that kept popping into my head.  Some synonyms are: boredom, dreariness, and dullness.  Yup, sounds just right. Let's see... write out address onto letter, fold letter around pamphlet, insert into envelope, seal envelope, affix address label and stamp, throw into letter box, repeat.... like... 100 times...Fun, I know, right?  Anyway, yup, that was my day... my boss wants 'marketing' letters to be sent to all the doctors that we work with for our diabetic shoe patients... all of them... that's like over 500!  AND THEN... on top of that, when I'm done I get to do all the power chair doctors... the problem is... we can't figure out how to separate the doctors, so... all the local ones get diabetic shoe letters, and then ALL of them... that's right... ALL of them, get a power chair letter.... I'm pretty sure there's over 1,000.... Well, I definitely have something to do at work until I leave for school!  One of my friends from church just got hired there to help once we move, so it's been fun working with her, although, for the time being she's been sent to the dungeon (aka: lower level) to learn insurance happenings.... that's one thing I haven't learned yet. Well... hope everyone's week is going GREAT!  

This is a little something I found on a blog, and thought it was absolutely hilarious!!!!!! So... for anyone that needs to smile more, there ya go ;)  LOL

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