Thursday, August 23, 2012

Work and School

Well, life has been a whirl...  We're still 'stuffing letters' at work... we've had quite a mess up these past couple days, first my boss thought he had figured out a quicker way to print the labels, and then they only printed every other doctor.  Then we got the labels figured out just in time for my coworker to find a typo in the letter we were sending... we had done about 100-200 letters already.  So... because he had printed out all the letters before time, I had to run into Goshen to buy some more printing supplies and labels, and such.  So, now we're redoing them all... 

I also found out tonight who my roommates are gonna be this year!! One girl is a new student, so I don't know who she is... the other one is Hannah Lichtman, a girl from Canada... we were in a prayer group together last year.  I'm super excited to have Hannah as my roommate :) It will be a fun year with her!

Here's a song they sang last week at camp that I really liked :)

A Crucified Heart

In my own strength I am so weak, nothing I do will last. But with power from you Lord everything that I do, will be here when time is passed.
Lord give me a crucified heart. Broken in two, be made exactly like you. Lord may I be willing to die. Daily take up my cross, with a crucified heart.
You are the key to what I can be. I have you in my heart. So cleanse every part, make in me a new start. With you I am crucified.
Lord give me a crucified heart. Broken in two, be made exactly like you. Lord may I be willing to die. Daily take up my cross, with a crucified heart.


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