Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Home Again

Hhhh... it's been an interesting week.  It's an experience transitioning from living in a peaceful girls dorm, to back at home with three rowdy brothers.  But oh well, that's home.   I've finished unpacking all my stuff and am settled back in my room.  And then Monday and Tuesday night we went to Bro. Oullette's church in Bridgeport to hear Bro Sam from HBBC and Paul Chappell form WCBC.  It was nice to get out and do something!
Anyone that knows me personally would know I've been an emotional wreck this past week, but it is slowly getting better.  I've just gotta keep trusting God, knowing that He'll work everything out to his perfect will.  The week's also been made more difficult with the fact that the cold I've been battling for the past two months has won.  And it really is putting me down for the count.  I hate being sick, it doesn't happen often, but when it does, yuck!
One humorous thing that's kept me laughing is that every night that we get back from church, we'll church onto our road and without fail a possum will run across the road.
Sorry, that's been a rambling post!! I'll talk to ya'll later

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