Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Keeping Busy

Things are catching up with me... this week has been pretty busy!   Monday I got up and was going to spend the morning just doing things around the house and getting ready for a tutoring appt at 3:00 pm, but while I was getting around I got a phone call from a friend wondering if I could come over to help her paint some stuff at her house.  It was a blessing to get out and have some 'girl' time with her and her lovable two girls!! I left there and went to pick up the girl I was tutoring and did that, then a workout then... ME TIME!! lol!!   Next Monday we're driving up to my grandparents cottage for a few days and Tuesday we're going skiing.  Then that next weekend the boys are going to be gone at camp.  And then... the weekend after that Luke and I might be driving down to Shipshe to help out at the store that we worked at during a annual sale.  Finishing up the rush with another ski trip with the church on the 14th... A busy month :)

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