Sunday, February 17, 2013


I seem to be the living epitome of the phrase "when it rains, it pours" Among all the craziness that equals my life, Wednesday we discovered that there are a few big leaks under our kitchen sink... Mom called our plumber as soon as possible, but he wasn't able to get out to our house until Friday morning... So then Thursday before we left for skiing, we had the city come turn of our water.  We haven't had water in our house since then.
I tend to be a little bit on the spoiled side when it comes to personal comforts, so this has been rather annoying for me!! Lol.  Yesterday we were able to go to a local motel and get a room for just a few hours without having to pay full price to get showers and such.
We found out that our pipes have been totally corroded.  The plumber should be calling us tomorrow with more information, and Pastor Shuster is coming out sometime tomorrow to look at it and see what's going on.
Please be praying that the water gets turned on soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get your water back on soon and they fix the pipes! It's not fun I know. We had a similar problem last year, luckily our Grandparents live close by so we were able to stay with them!


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