Monday, March 25, 2013

My 300th Post

Yup, this is my 300th post :). I've really enjoyed blogging, it's been just over three years since I started blogging on my mom's blog. It's been an encouragement to meet other bloggers who have the same beliefs and aren't afraid to share them. Yes, I've had my posts that nobody liked because of my stand, but through it all, God's blessed me. I can't say I've been perfect, but He surely has!!
Anywho, in honor of this great post, I thought I'd share some recipes that I tried this weekend!!
The first one is a Doritos Taco Bake- (I found this recipe on Pinterest, but tweaked it a little bit)

1 lb. ground beef
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 can Tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes
Soft taco shells
8 oz. sour cream
1 cup shredded cheese
1 bag Doritos

Brown the beef and drain out grease. Add taco seasoning, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, and a little bit of water. Simmer for approximately 15 mins. Layer a casserole dish with soft taco shells and then spread the meat in it. Top with sour cream (I just stirred it into the meat) and shredded cheese. Crush up the Doritos and layer on top. Bake at 350 degree for 30 mins.

The other recipe is for a Strawberry Cheesecake Salad. I fell in love with this recipe right away!!

1 tub Cool Whip
1 box Cheesecake pudding
3 strawberry yogurts
1 lb. strawberries, sliced
3 bananas
1 cup mini marshmallows

Mix together the cool whip, yogurt, and pudding until smooth. Add sliced strawberries and marshmallows. Let set in the refrigerator for at least an hour or until serving. Add sliced bananas right before serving.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delish! Congrats on your 300 posts! Keep it up! :)


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