Monday, April 15, 2013

Dakota's Birthday @ Dow Gardens

Today is Dakota's 14th Birthday!! (On a side note: does anyone else feel *old* when their little brother enters the 'teen' years?!)  We stopped at Taco Bell for lunch then took it to Dow Gardens for a picnic... of course I can't go to Dow without doing a photo op, but all I had was my phone so we made do...
The weather was perfect at that point, although it has turned into *another* rainy day now :(  Oh well, at least it's not snowing!!  

Dakota and the butterflies... (Out of order)

Dakota got a pretty awesome new shirt!

Let the posing begin!!  My brothers are somewhat cooperative with me, which is wonderful!! 

Me and my guys... Luke is gone for work, so that's why he's not in any pics! 

There's this old barn that I was introduced to when we came here for my senior pics... I love it and take advantage of it whenever I'm there!!

I really like this picture... if only I had arranged them a little better, but oh well... 


  1. You took some awesome pictures! Happy birthday to your brother.


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