Saturday, May 11, 2013

Graduation and Photo Challenge: Day 3

I told ya'll that I wouldn't keep up to date with the photo challenge... lol!!  I forgot to take a pic of "My Favorite Place" which is Day 3... and so I fell behind :(  anywho, I got all the pics that my grandparents took at Luke's and Christian's graduation, so I thought I would post them, and since they were at church which is my favorite place to go, they work :)
The Cake

Photos and favorite verse by the card box... Christian had one similar, but I don't have a picture of it! 

Yours Truly!! Lol

Pastor and Dr. and Mrs. Green...  (pastor was helping him with the mic) 

Christian and Luke

Singing "The Word" 

The guys hanging out in the back...  

Christian giving his testimony

Singing again... these are apparently out of order ;) 

Receiving the diploma

Praying over the graduates

Luke giving his testimony

preparing to give the diplomas

This week, we've started getting ready for VBS in June... we're doing a military theme, and everything is all coming together!
Thursday we drove up to my grandparents to spend a few days helping get their place in order for the summer, it was freezing cold when we put the dock in the water, but other than that not to bad!! The only bad part was when I dropped my phone in the dog's water bowl (of ALL places) :(  but I tried it this morning, and it worked :)  YIPPEE!!

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