Monday, May 20, 2013

His Way is Perfect

I was listening to this song just a minute ago, and the words really spoke to me. At this point in my life I often stop and wonder what God has for me. I get discontented with where I'm at right now. This song was just what I needed. I hope it's an encouragement to everyone else. :)

When my way is dark and drear, and the future I don't know 
My heart feels so empty, as the tears unending flow. 
When my heart breaks with sorrow and a tempest fills my soul.  
This one thing I know for sure my God is in control. 

His way is perfect, His way is perfect. 
Though I don't understand his wise and loving plan. 
His way is perfect, his way is perfect. 
Take my life and make a vessel purified. 
God makes no mistakes his way is best. 

When the toils of life are come and my heart is worn with care
I faint neath the burden of a cross I cannot bear. 
When the joy has departed from my sorrow stricken soul
This one thing I know for sure, my God is in control!

His way is perfect, His way is perfect. 
Though I don't understand his wise and loving plan. 
His way is perfect, his way is perfect. 
Take my life and make a vessel purified. 
God makes no mistakes his way is best. 

God makes no mistakes his way is best.

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