Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Camp Pictures

This past week we up at camp.  This has become my favorite week of the year!!  This year was my first year as a counselor and I really enjoyed it.  I got to know everyone, campers and counselors alike, from a whole new perspective.  Plus, on the last night of camp, they had all the camp alumni go forward and sing "Because He Lives", it was amazing to be up with all the campers of years gone by!  But, if I had to describe camp in one word, it would be... Cold very very cold.  We had a low of 42 degrees one night.  There was frost on the windows most mornings.  I'm supposed to remind everyone next year to pack their winter clothes!!  
Anyway, there are A LOT of pictures... the first batch are mine, and then the rest are from Mrs. Shuster! 
Kiley with her mom's sunglasses

Bailey and "Papa"

Bailey and Kiley

Evolution~ This is a game that take Rock, Paper, Scissors and makes it a group competition to see who can "evolve" into the champion.  

My friend Leanza and I :)  

Mrs. Shuster's Pictures
Our group before we left Monday morning

Playing Human Clue.  I was Miss Mockingbird, at the Nurse's Station, with a extremely deadly loaf of bread... lol

Luke's team

After they got their clues, they had a special task to do while going from station to station.  This team had to hold hands and sing "Jesus Loves Me" 

Dakota B.

All the buses/vans



Some of the ladies.  I don't know who the lady on the left is but from her is Mrs. Green, Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. Williams 

Christian's team at Jesse's station

Bailey, Danielle G., and Savannah S. 

Alex A.

Josh, Kiley, and Arlie

Savannah and Dakota

Aaron C.


Waiting for pool time

Pooh Ball, a game Bro Phil Green made up, basically a mix of basketball, floor hockey, and extreme frisbee.  The name came about from the original ball used :) 

Me, Jesse, and Petra :)  

I was able to go with an amazing team, this is the captain Alisha and I 


Pastor Smith

The guys returning from a hike

Character Quest

Guys volleyball and soccer

The rifle range

In the cabin learning verses

Go Karts

Colleen with our girls :) We had three girls in our cabin get saved: Savannah, Dakota, and Makayla.  Savannah and Dakota are from our church, and Makayla (the one in the pink hoodie) came with another group.  


Bro. Pahlman (Parker Memorial Baptist Church)  and Pastor

The Dining Hall

Pastor and Mrs. Williams (Northstar Baptist Church)

Pastor and Mrs. Shuster

Our girls 

Christian and some of his friends

Luke and some of his friends

Aaron and some of his friends

Pastor Witte (Community Baptist Church) the camp cook :) 

Mrs. Johnson (Kitchen Assistant)

Joanna, Jennifer, and Esther Green 

They did a skit on Thursday morning of Joanna's Death.  It was really great, and a lot of kids were saved after it.  

Bro. M, and Pastor Rogers, our Cabin Inspectors 

Singing "Making Melody In My Heart" 

Some of the activities

Putt-Putt Golf 

The cabins were redone this year, they were REALLY nice :) 

Food :)  

Pastor and Mrs. Rogers (Roger City Baptist Church) 

Bro. and Mrs. Machinsky (I'm pretty sure I didn't spell that right) (Northstar Baptist Church)

Pastor Green and Pastor

The team leaders singing Peace Like a River

The Roger's Family

Bro Wagenshutz from Wisconsin was our guest speaker.  The messages were great! 

The group of kids that had made decisions throughout the week.  


Camp Alumni 

Christian's team 

Going Home 


  1. It's up in East Jordan. The camp site is pleasant valley bible camp, but the camp is called Northwoods baptist camp, bro. Jim Green runs it. :)

  2. I was at camp this past week too!! :) In Pennsylvania...it was GREAT!

  3. Hi Sarah!
    Looks like you had fun! I know Pastor Witte, Pastor and Mrs. Green, Pastor and Mrs. Rogers, and Pastor and Mrs. Williams! I was really excited to see their pictures! When I was on the Bible Quiz Team from Landmark Baptist in Petoskey, MI, they and their churches were also in the quizzing league. :) Keep posting! I love to visit your blog.

    ~Hannah Stahl

    1. That is really cool! Lol, it's a small world :)

    2. I know the Wittes and the Greens too!! :)

    3. Cool!! Sharon, you'll have to let me know if you guys are ever at a church up in Michigan!!


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