Thursday, September 26, 2013

No Record

This is a devotional I recently read, written by Eric Capaci, and I wanted to share it with you! 

"I recently read about a man in England years ago who bought a brand new Rolls Royce. He had an upcoming trip that would take him all the way to Eastern Europe. He couldn't bear to leave his new car at home so he shipped it tothe mainland and drove all the way to Eastern Europe. He had almost reached his destination when, on a regular stop to fill up with gas, the car would not start back up. He called the dealer where he had bought the car and they flew a mechanic all the way to Europe to fix it. "Wow", he thought. "That is good service!" 
As his trip went on, he began to wonder how much they were going to bill him. He called the dealer again and said, "my car broke down; you flew a mechanic out to fix it; and I want to know how much it is going to cost me." 
There was a long pause and the dealer said, "Sir, there are no records in our files of anything ever going wrong with a Rolls Royce." 
The devil accuses us of wrong. Maybe our friends accuse us. Maybe we accuse ourselves. But if we have achieved the righteousness of Jesus Christ, God says, "There is no record in My file that My child has ever done anything wrong."  Praise God today, that in Christ, you are never guilty in His eyes. Thank God for the wonderful salvation we have in Jesus Christ.  

I remember a day when I was bent low by the burden of sin and strife.  But Jesus came and rescued me and He gave me a brand new life. And now as I thank Him day after day for washing my sins away, it seems I can almost hear the voice of my blessed Saviour say:

What sins are you talking about? I don't remember them anymore. From the Book of Life they've all been torn out. I don't remember them anymore. 

When the flesh becomes weak, it's then I can speak to the Saviour Who's with me each day. "Oh, Father forgive me, hear my plea" and He washes my sin away. Each time that I bow and give Him thanks for removing my guilt and shame. He cannot recall what I'm talking about for His answer is always the same. 

What sins are you talking about? I don't remember them anymore. From the Book of Life they've all been torn out. I don't remember them anymore. 

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