Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Lesson...?

"What lesson is God trying to teach you? Did you learn something valuable and probably painful through some misdeed? While you were hurting, you said that you would never do it again. But time has passed and you may be finding yourself slipping back into the old ways of sin. Don't let the verse 'those that walk in pride he is able to abase' be a description of you. (Excerpt from a devotional by Charles Brown) 

I read this the other day and it immediately touched my heart. I've been through trials that I have put myself in because of things I've done and because I had gotten away from God. Through lots of prayer and intercession from my mom and pastor I've gotten my life right and I too have said "I will never do it again", but this devotional was a great reminder that I need to humble myself and stick to my promise, or God will bring me down again. I hope that this will be an encouragement to some one else as well :) 

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