Friday, October 18, 2013

What I Wore + A Handful of Different Things

Ok, so to start out my post... HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!!
Second of all, I was given the opportunity (and blessing) to do another guest post :)  More Blessed to Give... 
And... I'd like to post about a wonderful giveaway on Chelsy's blog... Life With Chels 
Finally, a small change happened here...
You can't really see it that well in the picture, but I got all my hair chopped off!  I've been wanting to get it cut for a long time and when I went with my mom to get her hair cut I decided I might as well do mine too! :) Before I got it cut it went over halfway down my back, and now it's just on my shoulders.  I have this funny obsession with short ponytails, so I'm enjoying bouncing it around, lol!  Have a great weekend!
Pink Sweater: Gifted
Belt: Goodwill
Skirt: Gifted
Shoes: Walmart
Jewelry: Silver flower set from JCPenney


  1. Aww! I love your hair! I got mine cut a few years ago- but they cut it at least 6 inches shorter than what I asked... =/ Im growing it out now! <3

    1. Thank you Hannah! Oh, I hate it when they cut it way shorter! The lady that did mine did it exactly how I wanted, I was very impressed!


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