Monday, November 25, 2013

Catching Up.... Again!!

Yay! I finally have a few minutes to post :)  November is a busy month for us, lots of 'happenings', so let's get moving and have a 'month in review' :)

First of all, my brother and I both celebrated our birthdays!  He turned 19 and I turned 20.  Isn't that crazy that we're so close? Everyone thinks we're twins... or that he's older -_- 
We both had grand birthdays!  For his, Christian came over and we all went out to dinner and then came back for ice cream cake and some games.  We had quite a time playing Apples to Apples, Five Second Rule, and The Logo Game!  My birthday was on a Sunday, I couldn't have had a better day :)  First of all, my grandparents came that Friday and we went to Bob Evans for dinner after diligently searching for a reported Golden Corral that didn't exist.  Epic, right?  Sunday we always get to church early for all the different bus routes that we do.  After morning service, we stopped at Taco Bell for lunch and then headed home for a quiet afternoon before heading back that night.  After the evening service, Mrs Shuster and Colleen had planned a party for me so we all stuck around for soup and cake.  It was a great day! 
This was one of my favorite presents!  A new piano arrangement book :) 

31 Days to a More Reader Friendly Blog_edited-1

I've also gone through ^these^ amazing posts and updated my blog a little bit! Has anyone noticed the difference? Let me point them out to you :)  Look to the right --> see my sidebar? I've added social media icons, email subscriptions, and you can now copy/paste my blog button!  How about up, notice the pages?  I've updated my "About Page" after reading >THIS< great post at The Thinking Closet.  I've switched my blog archive from a widget on the side bar to a page all to itself.  If anyone is looking for something specific, they can search by date or by the different categories I listed.  I've also updated my blog list and added a contact page!  There are still so many ideas I have to make my blog more user friendly and technologically up to date :)  Just doing these few things have helped me learn so much about the inner workings of a blog page!  I definitely feel much more confident about messing around with htmls and widgets and such!  PLUS, all this is thanks to Pinterest!! Don't ya'll just love it?! 

On a little bit of a more random note, at church we've already started getting the kids practicing their Christmas Program verses.  I can't believe Christmas is only a month away!  I just bought my first Christmas present, and I'm plotting the others!  I do love Christmas shopping :) 
Mom and I have started a new cleaning job for a wonderful couple nearby.  We clean a beautiful house, which I've already made plans to buy from them and remodel!! It's got the perfect set up for a music studio, a homeschool room and everything, lol!! 
Wednesday night we're heading down to my grandparents for Thanksgiving.  A grand weekend is planned!  My great aunt and uncle are coming from Minnesota and he is bringing his guitar and a hymnal so I will have fun playing along with him.  Saturday, before we head home, Mom and I are driving over to Michigan City in Indiana to meet with my friend, Sarah, from college!  I'm definitely excited about that, because I haven't seen her in over a year.  
Finally, I've been very excited about my series I've been working on... I still have a couple post ideas that I'm excited to be working on, including sharing my testimony.  I hope ya'll stick around and keep an eye out for new posts :)

Have a great Thanksgiving!! 


  1. Happy belated Birthday!

    I'll have to look into that piano book! I've been working my way through the ones I have and will be wanting some new arrangements soon! I'd love to know what other hymn arrangement books you have!

    1. Thank you Kali!
      Some of my other books include How Can I Fear by Ron Hamilton, Good News Piano by W. Elmo Mercer and Matchless Grace by Faye Lopez.
      What are some of your favorite arrangement books?

    2. Sacred Silhouettes and Sacred Silhouettes Revisited by Dennis Alexander, Showers of Blessing by Jennifer Cook, and A Sacred Collection by Kenon D. Renfrow

    3. Thanks :) I'll definitely have to look those up!

    4. Thanks for sharing yours as well! One more question :) ...who is the Day by Day book by?

    5. It's done by Julie Jones Potter and you can find it at :)


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