Monday, January 13, 2014

My Day In Detail || Writing Challenge

I might just say now that these posts aren't necessarily for your enjoyment, although I do hope ya'll are enjoying them.  Some of them might be rather dull, others full of interesting information!  I'm doing this so I can improve my writing and to fill time while I'm praying about where I want my blog to go this year! 

  • Family Breakfast and Prayer Time
  • Personal Devotions  
           (Last year I started following a reading plan that I really enjoy!  It's a little confusing to try to explain, but definitely one that I would suggest! It takes you through the Old Testament once, Psalms twice, and the New Testament twice, going through Acts-Revelations a third time.  At the end of the year it also takes you to key verses for the Messianic Prophesies, the accounts of Christ's birth, and verses from the life of Christ.  You can find more information about them HERE. I also read a chapter from Proverbs and a daily devotional.  Just last week I started reading a book entitled The Proverbs 31 Woman - One Virtue At A Time from Women Living Well.  I don't agree with everything related to this site and/or book, including the *perversion* of the Bible they use, but they do also have a lot of help in being a Virtuous Woman!  It focuses more on being a good wife to your husband, but so far I've gotten quite a bit of help both for the here and now and preparing for the future!! ) 
  • Social site check-up (Pinterest, Email, Blogger)
  • Shower, etc...
  • Help mom clean the house
         (Usually we both just keep working until the house is clean and then go to our own jobs and duties.  But there are times when either one of us is gone working, or we have something else pressing where the other will do the cleaning.  This also includes laundry usually Monday-Wednesday/Thursday-ish, and that goes all day!)
  • Work through my weekly to-do list
          (This includes a lot of different things.  For example, today I spent an hour doing online surveys {my way of getting a little extra spending :)} and then spent some time working on finding music for my piano students, and letter writing.  It can also include lesson planning for both piano lessons and tutoring, specific cleaning jobs I want to do, things I want to work on for church, and any other things that I might feel like putting down :) Also, it is throughout this time that I usually try to schedule my piano lessons and tutoring sessions, etc.)
  • Once all the work is done, I usually get back on Blogger and Pinterest for a while... 
  • Dinner
  • Dinner Clean-up/family time
            (This usually involves watching a movie or playing a game... it's not usually anything set, and usually I use this time to practice piano.  My family, naturally, loves it when I play on the piano while they're watching something, lol!) 
  • Sometime around 10, we have a prayer time together... This usually ends up in a last expulsion of energy, I'm sure you get the picture!  
  • Then it's bed prep!  Washing faces, brushing teeth... a workout, and reading.  I feel very lucky if my lights are out by 11:30, but that's the privilege of having my own room :) 


  1. I'm sorry for the late comment (considering you posted this over 2 weeks ago), but I was wondering, what online surveys do you take?? I've been looking around for some, but I wanted to know what sites you recommend.

    1. Brianna,
      I use swag bucks and opinion outpost mostly. I really like both of them. I also have accounts with inbox dollars and spendearnings, but I rarely use them.
      You can google all of those, so I hope that helps!

    2. Thanks so much!! I am definitely going to try those out.


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