Thursday, January 16, 2014

Someone Who Doesn't Live in My Country || Writing Challenge


I had to think about this one a lot, but once I got some ideas it all came to me!  
  • When I was young, I had a pen pal that lived in Belgium.  Our grandpas had worked together and that was our connection!  I honestly couldn't tell you very much about Belgium anymore.
  • When I was in college, my room mate was a foreign student from Belarus.  She and her brother had been adopted by a missionary family.  It was definitely fun to get used to her and to learn about her life in Europe!  I remember, my first thought about her was how much I loved her accent!  She was a sophomore, so had been there a year before I came.  When she had first come to America she couldn't speak any English.  When I heard about her trip from Belarus, it was amazing!  I couldn't imagine leaving my family to come to a strange place with a strange language!  I learned a little bit about her culture and even some of her language.  I can sing "Hallelu, Praise Ye The Lord" in Belarus!! Lol!  
  • Of course, then we have all the missionaries I've met!  


  1. I have some pen pals in America (I'm in Scotland) and my heart is full of joy every time a letter arrives in the post. It is such a pleasure to hear about someone else's life in another land :)

    1. Yes, it is!
      Thanks for visiting my blog! :)


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