Monday, February 3, 2014

Someone Who Broke Your Heart || Writing Challenge

Ok... So I'm pretty sure this one is the worst one...

My brother's car... (This is the story of why I've been not posting recently.) 
I was down in Shipshewana this weekend working for the shoe store at a special event with my brother. I was supposed to return home on Saturday. 
I left earlier than originally planned to beat the weather and got about an hour down the road. The roads were good and I was going a steady speed.
Naturally, as is normal in my "Murphy's law" life, I hit an ice patch and went of the road. My first "car accident". I kind of panicked. I called my brother who was still in Shipshewana and he and one of the men from the church came and rescued me! So I stayed in Shipshewana until this morning. Thankfully I walks away with nothing but a cold and the car only needed some brake repairs that were necessarily from the accident. 



  1. Goodness!! I'm glad you're okay!! Fun trip, huh?!! :-)

    1. Lol, I keep telling my mom that I'm never goin back to Indiana, haha! But other than Saturday it as a fun trip. We stayed in the upstairs of the gym and we were very well taken care of :)

  2. Praise the Lord you weren't seriously injured!

    1. Yes! As I was waiting for my brother I thought about all the "scenarios" and "could haves" and I realized that I had gone over halfway across the median. After thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't stopped, I realized how God had really protected me!


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