Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Hospital Visit

This afternoon in between church services we took a trip to the hospital to meet my nephew Kyle James Covey.  His parents went to the hospital yesterday morning, and he was born that afternoon at 35 weeks.  Being a little bit premature he had a few problems, but through out the night everything started balancing out.  There are still some respiratory issues, but he is doing very well.  He was born 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 17 1/2 inches long.  My tiny little guy!
Uncle Luke was the lucky first one to meet him! 

I enjoyed my time cuddling with the guy and got a mixture of of pouty faces and smiles! 

Kyle's big brother holding him. 

He was so very tiny, especially compared to the big babies I've been around recently!

"Oma" (oo'mah) getting a good look at her grandson. 

Big sister

His feet against my mom's thumb

Uncle Dakota

Uncle Hunter.  It was sweet to see my baby brother holding his nephew.  Kyle is my mom's first grandchild, our first nephew.  

Saying goodbye to "baby dot" as they call him! 


  1. He's so cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Enjoy that little nephew. :)


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