Sunday, June 8, 2014

This Week....

So true... But I love VBS, it's one of my favorite weeks of the year.  This year was especially epic.  We changed our usual three days to five days this year.  This was partly due to the fact that we had three extra helpers this year.  Pastor recruited the help of the Heartland VBS North team.  They did a great job helping with the kids.  

Clay, Step, and Jed. 

A hot, tired boy! 

The older guys were quite competitive on the jousting arena :)  

They had to pass the hula hoops from one person to the next without letting go of hands.

I was glad to have my piano students come for one evening. 

Setting up the inflatables.  

Mrs. Shem and Mrs. Ham boarding the ark.  Pastor did a great job building an ark in the auditorium.  We had skits all week, but I didn't get any pictures of it because I was working backstage.  

Little Timmey :) 

A final game before dismissing for the week.  

Over all, we had a great week.  There were around 24 people saved, one of which was a father that came with his kids.  We ended the week with a final service.  As it was starting, Jed was leading the kids in some songs and stopped and said "Ok, who wants to have another week"  All the kids loved the idea, but the workers were ready for a break :)  


  1. It sounds like you had a good turn out for VBS. Thanks for sharing.:)

  2. Yay! Looks like it was a fun week! Praise the Lord for all the souls saved! :))

  3. That's awesome! Our VBS is in about 2 weeks. Can't wait, but 8 also know what you's very tiring, :)

  4. Glad you had a great VBS! Ours is this week and we go 5 days. As for the being tired part, I hear ya, and it's only Tuesday! :)


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