Thursday, October 2, 2014

:: What I Wore :: some catch up outfits

I am so excited to post again... I've been doing some blogging research and have a lot of new ideas.  All those ideas are a bit overwhelming though!  But, hopefully, you'll be seeing some new things on the blog soon.  

Here are a two outfits for ya'll.  Sweater weather is coming up, and I'm excited to get out my fall wardrobe.  It always feels like I just bought a closet full of new clothes!  :) 

This outfit was inspired by the gorgeous brooch that my dear friend Hannah S. made me.  I was able to meet her and her family when I was in Alabama in August.  We had a great day of shopping and getting to know each other!  I'm sorry that the picture is blurry, it was taken on my phone :) 

Top: Goodwill
Undershirt: Walmart (tank top, usually $3)
Skirt: Goodwill
Belt: Came with separate skirt
Brooch: Hannah!!
Necklace: Walmart
Shoes: Necklace

This outfit came from my trip to Alabama as well :)  I love navy because it goes with practically EvEryThinG!  And I love this orange sweater and finding things that go with it.  I'm a little tossed with the dress though, my brother seemed to hint that chevron wasn't very good for my body shape :-/

Dress: Ross
Cardigan: Walmart (They had these sweaters on sale last Spring and I bought 4 different colors :))
Necklace: JC Penney
Shoes: Goodwill

Are you ready for Fall? What's your favorite part of this season? 


  1. cute outfits! I LOVE how the sweater adds a pop of color to the dress! You can practically make it go with any season!!!

  2. Both outfits are beautiful! And I love how you used your brooch on a belt- that is a great idea!! =) (btw, I think your dress is super cute on you!! Emma is still drooling over it, lol......) ;P

    1. Thanks! :) I love that brooch (auto correct changed it to Brock, awkward :P) it's just my style!!
      Tell Emma I'm sorry that I took the dress and didn't let her have it and I'm putting on my prayer list right now that she can find a dress just like it :P

    2. Bahahahahaha!! She appreciates your prayers very, very much! ;P
      AWWW! Your brooch has a name now. <3 (jk.) :D


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