Saturday, May 25, 2013


More and more this week I have been hearing about everything that happened in Oklahoma this past week.  My friend, Grace, was in Moore when the tornado hit.  It was only a miracle from God that she is still alive.  They sought refuge in a local Lowe's meeting room.  After the tornado went by, they stepped outside to see the damage.  The Lowe's and a theater nearby were the only buildings left standing.  Praise God for keeping Grace and those she was with safe!  Here is a link about a news interview with her dad:  "A Real Miracle" 
Thank you to everyone out there who prayed for those in Oklahoma, Grace is just one of our friends from that area.  We are still praying for ya'll!!


  1. I am so glad she is safe! My cousin lives in Joplin and when there tornado hit he was at work in the hospital that was across from the one that was destroyed. I am so glad he was safe.

  2. Wow that is so amazing


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