Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Walking Through The Storm

I am alive :)  It actually hasn't been that long since I've posted, but it feels like forever to me! I have this long and ever growing list of blog posts that I want to do!!  God has been working in my life in many different areas, and I've also been thinking about some of my different beliefs and standards, and why I believe that way!  So anyway, I'm hoping to start working on that list and whip out a couple of posts within these next few weeks!

I've been struggling a lot with trusting God when times get tough... Satan will often try to persuade me that I've had a harder life than anyone else could ever understand.  Yes, I've gone through some difficult times, but I know that I can always claim I Corinthians 10:13:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
I have a bad habit of watching other people around me... Comparing the trials, or lack thereof, that they are going through.   It has just been an encouragement to claim that verse.  Recently I heard of someone who was going through a difficult time similar to what I have experienced in my life, and how they have gotten through it.  I struggled with bitterness for a while, thinking how they got through it so easily, and it was harder for me.  I saw this quote shortly thereafter, and it was an encouragement also:
Beyond that quote or the verse even, the blessed assurance that God is always with me... walking with me through this storm carries me through!! What a privilege to be a daughter of the Heavenly King who cares for me more than anyone on this earth ever could!  To have a Father walking with me, carrying me through all the hard time!  
I hope that no one reads this post thinking that I'm hoping I can get people to feel sorry for me.  I wrote this hoping that it can be an encouragement to others who are going through hard times.  I won't claim that my life is perfect, but I will claim that God is always with me!  And I hope that the rough times I go through can be uses for an example and encouragement to others! 


  1. I hope what ever you are going thru is over really soon! I will pray for you!

    1. Thank you Hope! I'm so glad I can say God has been with me through these times. Also, even though I go through trials just like every other Christian, I still say I have a wonderful life blessed by God :) Life is Good :)


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