Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog Survey Results

Ok, so I've finally gotten around to compiling all the results from the survey I did! I had 21 responses, actually, it was just 20 for quite a while, and I figured no one else was going to take it so I stopped checking, and then got on today to get the results and, yay! Someone else had taken it!  I have to admit, this post has been on my 'to-do list' for two weeks... it's been busy around here! :)  
  It was definitely interesting to see all the results! They inspired me to think more about what I was doing with my blog, so there may or may not be changes coming soon, who knows! :)  Ok *Drumroll please... Survey says:
Ok, so I have to be totally honest with this one... I forced my brother into taking this survey so I could have 1, ONE male reader!  But, ya know what?   That's totally ok!  My little female following and I can keep to our girly topics! Right?!  

I'm glad that people my age are reading, I'd be pretty intimidated if only 30+ year olds were reading my blog!  

I learned that I should definitely be promoting my blog more on Pinterest!  

Ok, so the results for two questions (favorite and least favorite) really kind of took me by surprise and challenged me to think about what I was writing!  Modesty is definitely the top subject, it had been right from the beginning! Courtship was it's only competition.  And then "My Life" in third!  Lol, I always thought I was boring ya'll with my life!! 
And then the least favorites.... my brothers got quite a laugh when they found out that my life was someone's least favorite ;)!!  I was kind of disappointed (or stupid) because I couldn't figure out how to see what people had put when they selected "other"!  Obviously, quotes and sermons are not a favorite... but I'll probably keep up with them anyway.  I like them and they can be an encouragement when you need them :) 


Ok... so 3 people didn't care how often I posted... hmph! haha, oh well... 

This next one wasn't in the survey ya'll took... this is my response to the survey!!   

For realz!  I love it when people let me know what they're thinking!  I don't even mind criticism, as long as it's constructive and not just rude!  comment, Comment, COMMENT! 

Finally, here are some of the comments I received through the survey!  I'll tell you this: if you took my survey, you are epic!  If you left a comment, you are officially on my "awesome reader" list... If you left your name you made it to my "Favorite reader list"... because I knew your name and could put you there.... 

Love your blog!! 
~Samantha C.

I absolutely love your blog (and all the things you post on Pinterest)!! Thanks for being such an encouragement!!

Love your blog, Sarah!  It's always encouraging, cheerful, interesting, never boring to read ;p, and most of all straight down the line Biblical.  Keep it up!!!
~Hannah S.

No real changes needed... you do a nice job... keep up the great work!!

Love the blog so keep it up! :)

Keep up the good work!

I have been following you on Pinterest for a while now and just now realize you have a blog. I am glad to find it.
~Carrie C. 

 I plan on keeping the survey open, so if anyone missed it, go ahead a take it....  Like I said, I always love getting feedback from my readers!  


  1. Just stopping by to check out your blog! I enjoyed seeing the results of the survey you did - surveys are so much fun. :) I'm continually surprised at what a great tool Pinterest can be in helping people branch out in "blog world." :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, it was fun to do the survey :)


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