Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Pictures and Two What I Wore Outfits :)

Ok, so get ready for a lot of pictures!! :)

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve morning my brother Sean, and his family came over and spent the day with us.  Later that evening, my grandma and grandpa showed up.  We had a great day :)

Luke and my niece, May

Presents for the kiddos :) 

All the guys takin' care of May

Sean and my nephew, Johnnathan

Watching Youtube

May and Johnnathan

Opening Presents
We did the presents for the kids, Sean, and my sis-in-law that night, plus one for my grandparents from all of us.  

Oh yes, Aunt Sarah is so much fun, buying you clothes for Christmas :) 

We all went together and bought my grandparents a kuerig... I think it's safe to say that they enjoyed it! 

Christmas Day
The next day, my grandparents came over and we opened presents in the morning, and then after dinner we all headed over to the hotel that they were staying at for just a little bit before Church.  My grandparents came to church with us that evening, and then afterwards we went back and spent some more time at the hotel.  

I think we were all still asleep... 

The boys all got ties... 

I made my grandpa a photo/poem gift, it was very special to both of us :) 

Despicable Me 2

Taking a nap after presents.  :) 


Ok, here are my two outfits.  The first one I wore on Christmas, and the second one I just wore the other day... 

Scarf: Meg's Closet (Local store)~ $6
Shirt: Gifted
Skirt: Thrifted~ $2
Shoes: Walmart
Earrings: Walmart~ $3

Shirt: Thrifted
Skirt: Gifted
Tank Top: Walmart~ $3
Belt: Gifted
Necklace and Earring Set: Walmart
Shoes: Gifted


  1. Aww love the pics!! ;) Looks like you had a fun day! ~Hannah S.

    1. Thanks Hannah! We did have a great time together :)


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