Thursday, January 2, 2014

Book Review || The Dawn Of Christmas

When Sadie discovers Levi in a deserted field, he's been badly injured.  But as these two Old Order Amish become friends, each finds in the other an ally against their respective families' desires to see the find a spouse. But as the summer months fade into autumn and snow begins to fall, what happens when they start to truly care? 
  I got this book a few weeks ago and start reading it right away.  I finished it that night.  It is definitely a book that grabs your attention and holds on to it!  Cindy Woodsmall did a great job with this book and I look forward to reading more of her works.  Some things I noticed about this book that made it hard to read: there were many trails to follow.  The author would jump from on character to another, sometimes without the necessary explanations.  Even at the end of the book there were loose ends that were never explained.  It almost made me wonder if this was a sequel.  Also, at one point, I felt like the author was going into to much detail for a certain situation.  Other than those points, I really enjoyed the book and was able to relate to it on some accounts!

You can read more about it HERE


I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.

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