Saturday, March 22, 2014

Book Review: The Global War on Christians

  I was a little unsure about reading this book for a couple of reasons, the main one being that it is not something I am typically interested in.  In the end, it did turn out to be an interesting book with some points that I liked and, equally, parts that I didn't like.

As soon as I got into the book, I realized that the auther, John L Allen Jr, had done a tremendous amount of research on this topic.  I could tell he knew what he was talking about.  The only thing about his research was that I noticed a focus on certain religions.  There was very little about persecution on Baptists... it was focused on Catholics, Muslims, and other "evangelical" divisions.

I found that the book was, for the most part, over my head.  I did not find it grabbing my attention at all.  Also, there was one point during one of the illustrations were the author included a cuss word.

*Personal disclaimer;  I do not agree with everything about this author, or the information in the book.  As my usual readers know, I do not agree with the ideas presented by Catholics, and hold to a Baptist viewpoint.

For more information about the book you can click HERE, and for more about the author, click HERE

"I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review."

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