Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Do I Want || Writing Challenge

  • Sleep... haha, this week has been wacko! 
  • Wisdom and Patience... to get me through wacko weeks! 
  • Time... so my weeks aren't so wacko.  Time to clean more, practice more, create more, and do things with family and friends
  • A cricut
  • One more job... The Lord has been blessing our family with providing us all jobs.  I started a new babysitting job this week, thus the wacko week.  I'm praying for one more small job, tutoring or piano, etc.  
  • A car
  • A wonderful family in the future :) 
  • Warm weather... Spring... no more snow!

How is the weather in your area? Has spring arrived? 


  1. Spring is upon us in Alaska! Praise the Lord!

  2. Yay! It keeps coming and going here! It's somewhat nice today, but that is after we had snow on Tuesday, lol!


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